Why are moths a pest?
Moths do not pose a health risk but are a pest in homes because of the severe damage their larvae cause to clothes, fabrics, furs, leather and carpets,grains. Damage can continue for many weeks after moth caterpillars have hatched and damage may have been done before flying moths are seen.
Where are they found?
Moths are attracted to light and enter homes through open doors and windows. Once inside the home, moths lay eggs in dark and rarely used areas where clothes or other fabrics are stored. These areas include spare rooms, under beds and wardrobes and rarely used cupboards. Lofts are also at risk because moths are attracted to bird nests that may be in the eaves of the house.
How to prevent an infestation
- Clean clothes before storing them in cupboards
- If fabrics are to be stored for a long time, keep them in sealed plastic bags or suitcases
- Vacuum hidden areas regularly, such as under furniture to remove moth eggs before they hatch
What we do
Our pest control officers will be able to locate the source of the problem and treat it, using methods that will ensure the safety of the public and minimise damage to the environment.
We will;
Inspect and indentify the best solution for your moth problem at a very affordable fees. Our team is equipepped with the best tools,skills and knowledge of these nudnik pests.
Contact us today